Traditional Knowledge key for Ocean Management

The integration of traditional use and ownership rights into national blue economy and ocean governance approaches is a key priority, says Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Management’s (MECDM) Chanel Iroi.

Iroi, the Deputy Secretary Technical of the MECDM shared this while opening the second MACBLUE national steering committee meeting in Solomon Islands.

He also outlined that the Solomon Islands is embracing the blue economy paradigm.

“The national and legal recognition of local management of marine areas is of particular importance in the Solomon Islands,” he shared.

He urged participants to work together with global partners, implementing agencies, and donor partners, in bridging the gap in seagrass and mangrove conservation and climate adaptation and mitigation.  

Thirty participants across different sectors, including government ministries, statutory bodies, academia, international and local civil society organizations attended the second MACBLUE steering committee meeting.

Key meeting outcomes included the adoption of the Terms of Reference for the NSC and the appointments of the Deputy Secretary Technical for Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management (MECDM) as Chairperson and Deputy Secretary Technical Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Research as Deputy Chairperson for the Committee.


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