Blue Carbon: A lifeline for climate resilience

As the world's attention turns to the critical role of blue carbon ecosystems in combating climate change, Papua New Guinea (PNG) stands at the forefront of conservation efforts.

The inaugural Management and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems or MACBLUE Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting held in the Central Province on the 23rd of April focused on policy roadmap for PNG and to nominate a Chair of the PSC.

Blue carbon refers to ecosystems, including mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and tidal salt marshes, are invaluable in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions.

These coastal treasures not only capture organic carbon dioxide but also serve as vital buffers against severe storms and flooding, aiding communities in adapting to climate-related threats.

The government of PNG through the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) as the main partner of the MACBLUE project has successfully formed the project steering committee to guide the implementation process of this project.

At the PSC meeting, CCDA was nominated to chair the PSC and the Department of National Planning and Monitoring as Deputy Chair.

During the opening of the meeting, Acting Managing Director of CCDA Ms. Debra Sungi, said "establishing a steering committee is a big step forward for us as a government because having that institutional framework and arrangement is very important to govern the work and implementation of what we want to see as an outcome of blue carbon in the country”.

“We have very ambitious targets as outlined in our enhanced NDCs for the country. As a government, it is our commitment to ensure that we reach those targets”, said Ms. Sungi.

The MACBLUE Project Steering Committee is comprised of key representatives from CCDA, Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, Oceans Office, The Nature Conservancy, Department of National Planning and Monitoring, University of Papua New Guinea, National Fisheries Authority, and PNG Forest Authority.

“I thank the German Government through the GIZ and the implementing partners, SPC and SPREP for coming onboard to support PNG in ensuring that this blue carbon project goes ahead”, concluded Ms. Sungi.

*Source: Climate Change Development Authority


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